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Director Of Development Our Community Salutes
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Position Title: Director of Development

Reports to: President, Our Community Salutes

Position: Full-Time, Exempt

Location: Remote, must be located in the United States. This position will require frequent virtual and regular face-to-face internal meetings in the greater Philadelphia area

Salary: $90,000 annual salary, (plus incentive compensation based on achieving goals), depending on experience.

About Our Community Salutes

Our Community Salutes (OCS) is a national nonprofit proudly dedicated to honoring and supporting high school seniors who have chosen the noble path of serving their country by enlisting in the U.S. Armed Services after graduation.

Since 2009, OCS has united communities in celebrating these courageous young leaders. Across 25 states, enlistee recognition ceremoniesheld in venues ranging from banquet halls and auditoriums to sports arenashave inspired tens of thousands of attendees to express their gratitude and support.

These powerful events showcase the bravery and dedication of our future military members, fostering community pride and a deep sense of unity.

Discover more about OCSs mission and the lives theyve touched ator visit Community Salutes is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed to having a workforce that reflects diversity at all levels of the organization. We recognize the importance of not viewing individuals based on a single identity, and we thrive on being equitable in our recruitment process as well as in our efforts to be inclusive of all employees.

Charity Search Group

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