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We are hiring for Sr. Innovation for a Jewelry Manf company in Coimbatore location.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for process improvement. Encourage creative thinking and consider both incremental improvements and more transformative changes.
  • Kanban promotes alignment with organizational goals and strategic priorities. In an innovation department, this means ensuring that innovative efforts are in line with broader business objectives.
  • Six Sigma emphasizes understanding and meeting customer needs. In an innovation context, this means validating ideas against customer feedback, ensuring that innovations solve real problems, and delivering value.
  • Provide training and development opportunities for team members involved in innovation. This could include training in quality management principles, innovation methodologies, and specific skills related to their roles.
  • Production backgrounds often deal with regulatory requirements and compliance standards. Integrating this expertise into innovation ensures that new products or services meet legal and regulatory obligations from inception.
  • Maintenance backgrounds often involve adherence to safety regulations and compliance standards. Integrating this knowledge into innovation ensures that new solutions meet regulatory requirements from inception.
  • Adopt lean planning techniques that prioritize flexibility and adaptability in responding to changes in market conditions or customer feedback.
  • Allocating budgets effectively to maximize the return on investment from PPC campaigns.

Almighty HRD Consultants

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