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Systems Analyst
US-MA-Wilmington - 01887
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Handle solution design of Microservices architecture. Design and develop Java/J2EE based applications in Big Data and cloud/hybrid cloud technologies. Perform data architecture modelling. Responsible for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, Containerization and Streamline data ingestion. Work with: Java, J2EE, Microservice Architecture, Webservices, Spring, Hadoop, Map-Reduce, Spark, AWS - IAM, S3, EC2, RDS, Dynamo DB, CloudFront, Route 53, VPC, Azure –Storage, Virtual machines, Entra, ADF, Databricks, HDInsight, Functions, Azure DevOps. Bachelor’s degree plus 5 years of experience required. Work site: Relocation for long- and short-term projects to various unanticipated client sites in the U.S. Send resume using reference code 4178 to:

Atish Rastogi
Solution IT, Inc.
187 Ballardvale Street
Suite A215
Wilmington, MA 01887

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