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Administrative Assistant 3
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Current Address is 1201 Raleigh Road, Suite 102, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Then, after 3 months, new address will be: 1830 Fordham Blvd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Office Manager & Bookkeeper: Provides analytical and specialized administrative support to relieve executive, administrative, and line and staff managers of complex details and advanced administrative duties. Executes special or continuous research and data analysis tasks. Analyzes problems, determines approach, compiles and analyzes data, and prepares reports/recommendations. Coordinates activities between departments and outside parties. Contacts company personnel at all organizational levels to gather information and prepare reports. Manages all office related services and operations (supplies, mail, inquiries and maintenance). Supports leadership team and personnel with onboarding and integration. Manage and support relocation to new facility. Manage and process financial transactions in QuickBooks Online and Ariba including creating invoices and entering bills. Maintains historical records by filing documents. Manage relationships with vendors and customers, ensuring timely payments. Work is generally of a critical or confidential nature. Assignments may be found in various functional areas. Potential conversion to full time hire. (link removed).

V R Della Infotech Inc

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