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PA - Phlebotomist Days GWV - $28.66 /HR **13 WEEK CONTRACT**
US-PA-Wilkes Barre
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Phlebotomists are responsible for an interpersonal relationship with the patient who they are meant to collect blood samples from. It's the duty of a phlebotomist to make patients feel relaxed and protected while collecting a blood sample. The ability to explain the blood drawing process to patients and to show a comforting attitude toward patients creates an amiable environment.Minimum 12 months of previous Phlebotomy experience that includes venipuncture, skin puncture, patient preparation and post collection transportation/processing.ORSuccessful completion of a NAACLS (National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences) accredited Phlebotomy Training program.Pediatric Experience preferred.Coverage may include ER, Inpatient, and OutpatientWill be transitioning from Sunquest to EPIC in February 2021

Shift: Day shift varied start times of 4,5,6 and7. 5 days a week. EOW, EOH Eight hour days

Specialty Type: Medical Laboratory

Sub Specialties: Phlebotomist

Lighthouse Medical Staffing

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