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Quality assurance professional
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Hello {JobSeeker : firstname} {JobSeeker : lastname}

This is Amala, Staffing Specialist at Intellectt Inc. I am reaching out to you on an exciting job opportunity with one of our direct medical clients. If you are interested, help me with your updated resume to Feel free to contact me on +1 908 837 3118

Role: Quality Assurance Professional
Location: Irving, TX ( onsite )

Looking For:
- Related to Manufacturing Quality.
- Primarily related to dealing with nonconformance parts that occur in the manufacturing environment; Can involve- documentation, and segregation.
- Nice to have some experience in neuro operations in quality
- Familiarity with quality system procedures and ability to follow them.
- Attention to detail
- Strong documentation skills
- Work on non-conforming material documentation
- Involved in the review of batch records or device history records.
- Review of batch record documentation.
- CAPA experience will be nice to have.
- In a nutshell, need a candidate who has worked in a manufacturing environment and has been responsible for reviewing batch records and nonconformance records.
- Med device exp will be preferred but not a requirement.

Education and Experience:
- Bachelors preferred
- 2 years exp will be preferred in manufacturing, operations, and quality background.
- Open to Associates degree with 3 to 5 years exp if they have manufacturing quality experience.
- Open to High School diploma with 5 to 6 years of experience.

Thanks & Regards

Amala Pedhapudi

Healthcare Recruiter

Intellectt Inc

Desk Number: 732-412-6999 Ext: 199

Direct Number: 908-837-3118

517 Route 1 South, Suite 1115 Iselin, NJ 08830


In case of my absence please reach out to Tarun Venkat | lead | 732-631-8229 |

Intellectt INC

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