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Robotics R&D Researcher - Hybrid/Remote - Senior/Fresher/Intern
VN-Da Nang
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Wisdom Robotics is currently looking for excellent candidates who are Robotics Researchers. We are looking for industrial robotics, motion planning, robot control, and fields robotics as excellent Engineers to join our team in order to adapt multi-disciplinary, including Software robotics, Hardware robotics, Mechanic robotics, and robotics developers to design the full connection to commercial advanced Robotics Systems. Students or candidates come from the majority of Mechanical Engineering, BioEngineering, Material Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, etc

- Modeling and simulation in mobile robots, manipulator robotics, industrial robotics, and service robotics, expected to use CAD tools and simulator tools

- designing the robotics system architecture: Mechanism and Electrics Systems, including modelling, controlling, planning, and cognition.

- Understanding the robotics control system and implementation: debugging, testing, implementing actuator, impedance control, and sensor skills.

- Excellent programming skills in C/C++, Python, C#: Matlab Requirement as Master in Matlab, C/C++, Python, C#, etc

- robotics Sensor, Data collection, and System Integration

- Robotics Camera and Perception Systems

- Robotics Power and Control Electronic Prototypes

- Familiar with Caffe, PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Skitlean

- Cloud Computing, AWS, GOOGLE CLOUD, AZURE

- Parallel and Distributed Computing: CPU/GPU/TPU.

- Understanding the Software Architect: Debugging, Testing

- Full Documents and Productions

- Machine Learning/AI/Deep Learning for advancing design functionality

- kinematic and control for Advanced Robotic Systems

- Physical Human-Robot Interaction and Human Coexisting

Skills working:

+ Team working and communication skills

+ Skills in writing and reading in English

Wisdom Robotics

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