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The Wisconsin Secure Program Facility, Wisconsin s most secure facility, safely and humanely houses, manages and controls male inmates who demonstrate serious behavioral problems in other settings.*Must be able to commit to at least 2 weeks of full time training which could include 3 days of various (EMR) Cerner training and 2-4 days of BHS orientation in Madison WI as well as 1-2 days working at another site with a doctor for elbow support. * WCI Waupun Correctional Institute 200 Madison St. Waupun, WI 53963 * 1.CLASSIFICATION TITLE OF POSITION Physician 2.CLASS TITLE OPTION 3.NAME AND CLASS OF FORMER INCUMBENT Physician 4.AGENCY WORKING TITLE OF POSITION Physician 5.NAME & CLASS OF EMPLOYEES PERFORMING SIMILAR DUTIES 6.NAME AND CLASS OF FIRST-LINE SUPERVISOR Dr. Paul Bekx BHS Medical Director 7.FROM APPROXIMATELY WHAT DATE HAS THE EMPLOYEE PERFORMED THE WORK DESCRIBED BELOW? POSITION SUMMARY Under the general supervision of the Physician Supervisor, the Institution Physician is responsible for professional medical services to inmates in accordance with standards of practice in Corrections and Community standards, and the Bureau of Health Services Policies, Procedures and Standards. In general, the Physician attends to the medical needs of inmates, diagnosing and treating illness and injuries and arranging for professional consultation when warranted; supervises, in conjunction with the Health Service Manager, the development and implementation of treatment protocols and patient flow charts. With the Health Services Manager, meets as appropriate with the Institution Warden, Supervisors of Psychological Services, Security or Medical Director in formulating medical policies, operational procedures and implementation of these policies at the unit level. Participates in the Quality Improvement Program and Infection Control Program. Provides direct care at other institutions during vacations, illness, emergencies, as directed. Takes on-call assignments as directed by the Bureau. The Physician shall comply with the Department s administrative rules and the agency s policies and procedures including those related to the Department's overall Reentry philosophy of using evidence-based strategies, practices and programs which target an inmate s individual criminogenic needs and risk level. TIME % GOALS AND WORKER ACTIVITIES OF THIS POSITION 10% A. Medical Supervision of Treatment Protocols A1. Participates with other Bureau of Health Services Physicians in the design of treatment protocols to assist in the expeditious intervention of less serious physical complaints by professional nursing staff and mid-level practitioners. A2. Conducts in-service programs to familiarize unit staff with treatment protocols and patient care flow charts. A3. Evaluate the ability of the unit staff to follow protocols and approves staff on an individual basis for implementation. A4. Along with Health Services Manager, audits charts on a regular basis to ensure compliance and appropriate assessment and documentation. A5. Assist the unit staff directly in solving patient care problems commensurate with their ability and skills. A6. Annually reviews and approves treatment protocols with Physician Supervisor and Health Services Manager. A7. Provides adequate supervision of the Physician Assistant in the performance of medical acts by personal presence, telephone contact and/or chart review at institutions where Physician Assistants are assigned. 1.DESCRIBE THE GOALS AND WORKER ACTIVITIES OF THE POSITION: TIME % GOALS AND WORKER ACTIVITIES OF THIS POSITION 75% B. Provision of Direct Patient Care within Correctional Institutions. B1. Review screening reports and medical histories of all newly admitted inmates to determine need for emergency or urgent care and to ensure continuity of care. B2. Performs hands-on physical examinations, to establish a baseline profile and to detect existing potential health problems that require care during the period of the inmate s incarceration. B3. Prescribes a plan of care including medications for the inmate following the initial health assessment. Uses the approved Bureau of Health Services Formulary. B4. Orders laboratory work, diagnostic tests, treatments, prescribed diets and nursing care for inmates as appropriate. B5. Authorizes non-emergent off-site outpatient care with prior authorization when inmate cannot be managed within the facility. B6. Consults with specialists and Physician Supervisor when inmate s condition warrants it. B7. Provides instructions to the inmate regarding medical complaints, explanation of illness and treatment, progress, medications and self-care. B8. Performs minor surgical procedures, e.g., suturing lacerations, debriding burns, incising and draining purulent infections, etc. B9. Records, signs and dates medical history, physical observations, Physician orders, and medical interventions on inmate records using POMR format. B10. Makes regularly scheduled visits to temporary lockup units and to segregation units to ensure access to health care. B11. Shares on-call Physician assignments with other Bureau of Health Services Physicians as scheduled by the Bureau. 10% C. Coordination of Health Services with Other Correctional Programs. C1. With Health Services Manager, meet with correctional administrative staff to discuss health care services. Identify issues and develop plans for resolution. TIME % GOALS AND WORKER ACTIVITIES OF THIS POSITON C2. Meet regularly with Health Services Unit staff to receive and give current information and to discuss care and treatment of specific health conditions and other health issues. C3. Monitors medical orders that affect other services such as special housing, food/dietary, housing and activity classification. C4. Communicate problems and suggestions for enhancement of services to Physician Supervisor. C5. Provides professional consultation to all members of the health care team related to inmate health care management. Functions as the medical authority at the institutional level. C6. Services as liaison with community health providers who are involved in providing off-site services to inmates. C7. Participated in the Quality Improvement Program and the Infection Control Program. 5% D. Maintenance of Current Medical Knowledge D1. Along with other Physicians, generates medical position papers after appropriate research of literature and consultant opinions pertaining to correctional health care issues. D2. Attends statewide Bureau of Health Services medical staff meetings as scheduled. D3. Maintains medical and administrative knowledge to complete the above tasks in a current and acceptable manner through attendance at medical conferences, workshops, seminars, professional literature review, etc. D4. Organizes the above continuing medical education in a manner that will fulfill the State of Wisconsin s requirements for medical licensure. D5. Documents and retains evidence of attendance and completion of continuing medical education (CME) for each biennium. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES 1.Thorough knowledge of the theory, principles and practices of primary care medicine. 2.Demonstrated skills in diagnosing and treating a variety of health problems and injuries commonly seen in a primary care setting. 3.Demonstrated skills and knowledge of conditions, illnesses, and diseases that are unique to women if working in a facility where women are incarcerated. 4.Ability to function effectively in a correctional health care setting, treating inmates with respect and with consideration for their dignity and feelings. 5.Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other personnel, functioning in a team relationship to address correctional health issues. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 1.Maintains current license to practice medicine in the State of Wisconsin. 2.Maintains current DEA number. 3.Meets continuing medical education requirements for each biennium as established by the Department of Regulation and Licensing, Medical Examining Board. PD/Physician 7/1/99

Shift: Day shift

Specialty Type: Physicians

Sub Specialties: Physician

Lighthouse Medical Staffing

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