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IT Procurement Project Manager
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  • Primary project manager and point of contact for all MSDH IT-related procurement and purchasing projects
  • Maintain adequate documentation for project work and end products (contracts, CP1s, POs, Purchase Requests, signed request forms, amendments, change orders, etc.)
  • Communicate professionally with MSDH staff, ITS staff, and vendors
  • Create or maintain project tracking documentation to ensure adequate proactive planning for IT-related procurement and purchasing projects
  • Work closely with MSDH program areas, IT, IT Security, and HIPAA Privacy Officer to ensure all appropriate system/service needs are identified and in line with agency policies
  • Work closely with purchasing staff to request quotes, contracts, and contract modifications as needed
  • Work to ensure all appropriate approvals are obtained in accordance with current policies and procedures

Required Skills/Experience

Provide the minimum required skills and/or experience the contractor must possess to qualify for this position. These requirements will be transferred to the Score Sheet and candidates without these requirements reflected on their resume will NOT be presented to the manager for consideration.

Project Management Procurement/Purchasing

Office 365 productivity applications-Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams

Project Management Software (any relevant software ex: MSFT Project, MSFT Planner, etc.)

Preferred/Not Required

Provide any skills/experience that would be helpful for the candidate to possess but not required. Examples: Previous supervisory experience, WebLogic experience helpful, etc.

State Procurement experience preferred

Skill Set

Skill Level

(See key code above)



Operating Systems

Windows 10



The use of Windows 10 PC

RICEFW Technologies Inc

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