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Pega Senior System Architect Trenton NJ
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Greetings for the day!!!

I have the below positions with my client on an emergency basis.

Role: Pega Senior System Architect

Location: Trenton, NJ

Duration: Long-Term Contract

Note: Need only locals

Direct Client


The Certified PEGA Senior Systems Architect evaluates existing systems and/or user needs to analyze, design, recommend, and implement information system changes. PEGA Certified Senior System Architect WITH A MINIMUM OF 5 YEARS WORKING EXPERIENCE Post SSA certification. Note: Manager PREFERS Local candidates who can come in the office 2Xs / Week. Candidate must have Ability to communicate clearly and effectively both written and oral with technical and non-technical personnel SUMMARY: The PEGA SSA will be under the direct supervision of the chief of the AOC's Information Technology Office (ITO) or other designated ITO representative. The PEGA SSA will be required to collaborate and provide technical expertise to ITO and assigned unit to develop technical solutions to implements business/system requirements. The PEGA SSA will be required to attain a complete understanding of requirements and understand key concepts such as rule resolution, class structure design, and reusability. The PEGA SSA Qualifications and Skills: The PEGA SSA must demonstrated knowledge of and applicability of Object-Oriented techniques and principles. The PEGA SSA should have experience in Agile and Scrum methodologies. The PEGA SSA must have a minimum of 5 years of related experience in all phases of object oriented software development including design, configuration, testing, debugging, implementation, and support of large-scale, business centric and process based applications. Minimum of 3 years of experience in developing solutions utilizing PEGA. A working knowledge of application design, case design, data modeling, automating business rules, business policies, user experience, reporting, integration, architecture, administration and security. Other required skills listed under the skills section. The PEGA SSA's primary responsibilities: Will be to develop and/or modify programs Successfully unit test their work Develop supportive documentation Participate with the business analysts and/or users in the system testing of their programs In many cases, write system requirements based upon the business requirements received Implement a wide array of functionality from building high quality user experiences to implementing complex case management requirements. The ideal PEGA SSA should have: Exposure to a variety of technologies, including, but not limited to: WebSphere or WebLogic J2EE (JSP, Servlets, EJB, XML, Java) .NET, Oracle, DB2, and MS/SQL. With specific expertise in some of the above. Required/Desired Skills
Skill Required /Desired Amount of Experience
PEGA Senior Systems Architect Certification Required 5 Years
Application design/Case design Required 5 Years
PEGA Architect and how to integrate with customers technology tools Required 6 Years
Developing solutions utilizing PEGA rules and procedures Required 4 Years
Data Modeling Required 5 Years
Automating Business Rules / Business Policies Required 5 Years
Support of large-scale business centric Required 5 Years
PEGA Administration and Security Required 6 Years
WebSphere or WebLogic Desired 6 Years
MS/SQL or DB2 Desired 6 Years
J2EE (JSP, Servlets, EJB, XML, Java) Desired 6 Years
Related experience in ALL phases of Object Oriented software development, including design, configuration, testing, debugging, implementation. Desired 5 Years
Ability to communicate clearly and effectively both written and oral with technical and non-technical personnel Required 4 Years
4-year college degree or equivalent technical experience Required 4 Years

Warm Regards,

Ramakrishna Aripalli !! Talent Acquisition Specialist

Software Technology Inc (STI)

100 Overlook Center, Suite 200

Princeton, NJ 08540

Email: Ph no:(609)- 447-3346

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Software Technology Inc

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