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Marketing Manager
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Job Description

Marketing Manager Duties And Responsibilities

Marketing managers create, guide and implement a company's marketing initiatives and ensure that they align with the company's values and resonate with the target audience. Some of the duties and responsibilities of a marketing manager include the following:

  • Creating marketing strategies to achieve organizational goals
  • Implementing marketing campaigns from ideation to execution
  • Managing the marketing budget
  • Coordinating marketing efforts with cross-functional teams like sales and product development
  • Analyzing marketing data and metrics to refine marketing strategies
  • Staying updated with the latest marketing trends

Marketing Manager Skills And Qualifications

Marketing managers have the challenging task of supervising, directing and coordinating a company's marketing strategy and campaigns. So a marketing manager should have a versatile skillset covering areas like research, promotion and sales. Here are some of the important skills and qualifications a successful marketing manager needs:

  • Sound understanding of marketing fundamentals and tactics
  • Creative thinking and problem-solving ability
  • Leadership and project management skills
  • Knowledge of digital marketing and social media marketing strategies
  • Excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Proficiency with marketing tools and software

Employement Category:

Employement Type: Full time
Industry: Hotel / Restaurant
Role Category: Marketing / Communication
Functional Area: Not Applicable
Role/Responsibilies: Marketing Manager

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