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Interesting Opportunity React.js Developer
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Job Description

Experience : 4+ years Job Summary We are seeking a skilled and experienced React.js Developer to join our development team. As a React.js Developer, you will be responsible for designing and implementing user interface components for web applications using the React.js library. You will work closely with the development team and other stakeholders to deliver high-quality, responsive, and user-friendly web applications. Key Responsibilities Candidate must have experience with React and React hooks. In-depth knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JavaScript and front-end languages. Knowledge of REACT tools including React.js, Web pack, Enzyme, Redux, and Flux would be a plus. Knowledge of Next.js and Typescript will be an added advantage. Familiarity with database management and data modeling in MongoDB. Strong problem-solving and debugging skills. Excellent communication and teamwork skills. Knowledge of version control systems, particularly Git. (

Employement Category:

Employement Type: Full time
Industry: Others
Role Category: Training & Development
Functional Area: Not Applicable
Role/Responsibilies: Interesting Opportunity React.js Developer

Creatokit - Branding

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