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Talent acquisition specialist
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Our recruitment business is mainly focused on the introduction of foreign individual who wish to work in Japan.
Approaching the potential candidate by making make extensive use of digital media and publicly advertise in media platforms in multiple languages.
Well understand and listening to the applications requirements, translating the information including resumes and other information if necessary, and organize them into proposal for Japanese companies.
Job description.
Posting and writing recruitment advertisement in multilingual digital media.
Obtaining necessary information on applicants (CVs, resumes, etc.), preparing the translation documents if necessary according to the request of the clients.
Conducting initial interviews and screening of job seekers (salary, desired job, place of work, time of entry, visa information, confirmation of language skills, etc.).
Prevents mismatches by explaining to job seekers in advance how they will be treated when hired (especially those with no experience of working in Japan), etc.
Setting up and scheduling interviews with companies, and providing interpretation during interviews.
When employment is decided, follow up on visa procedures, etc., to ensure that the candidate can work in Japan, including the coordination of entry into Japan and the arrangement of flights.
Various communications and correspondence
Essential Requirements
Familiar with the Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word and digital media (HP and SNS) and listing advertisements.
Essential languages skills:
Business English and Japanese reading, writing and listening skills.
Working time:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 18:00 (One hour lunch break including)


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