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Data Engineering - Fresher/Intern - Remote/Hybrid/Onboard
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Wisdom is looking for an experienced data engineer to join our potential team in Engineering and Business Solutions. You will use various methods to transform raw data into useful data systems. For example, youll create algorithms and conduct statistical analysis. Overall, youll strive for efficiency by aligning data systems with business goals.

To succeed in this data engineering position, you should have strong analytical skills and the ability to combine data from different sources. Data engineer skills also include familiarity with several programming languages and knowledge of learning machine methods.

We'd like to hear from you if you are detail-oriented, with excellent organizational skills and experience in this field.


- You are expected to analyze and organize raw data

- Have skills in building data systems and pipelines

- Understanding to evaluate business needs and objectives

- You will expect to link in order to interpret trends and patterns

- Visualize and execute to conduct complex data analysis and report on results

- Understanding in preparation based on data for prescriptive and predictive modeling

- Strong to building algorithms and prototypes

- Combine raw information from different sources

- Explore ways to enhance data quality and reliability

- Identify opportunities for data acquisition

- Develop analytical tools and programs

- Collaborate with data scientists and architects on several projects

Requirements and skills

+ Previous experience as a data engineer or in a similar role

+ Technical expertise in data models, data mining, and segmentation techniques

+ Knowledge of programming languages (e.g. Java, Python, C++, C#, Javascript, NodeJS, React, Matlab etc)

+ Hands-on experience with SQL database design

+ Great numerical and analytical skills

+ Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a similar field; a Masters is a plus

+ Data engineering certification (e.g IBM Certified Data Engineer) is a plus

Exceptional Skills:
+ Data Engineering based on Streaming
+ Big Data and Streaming Data Analysis
+ Mulitple Micro-cloud services.

[#HCM] [#Hanoi] [#DaNang] [#CanTho] [#DakLak] [#BinhDuong] [#Remote] [#Parttime] [#Hybrid]

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Wisdom Telecom

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