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Mainframe Developer
US-UT-Salt Lake City
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Experience - 5to 7 years Minimum Education - Bachelor's Degree Willingness to Travel - Never Key Requirements 1. Experience with JCL and Cobol on a mainframe for at least seven years; knowledge of Adabas/Natural is a huge plus. Experience with IT production support in the past is a plus. (Note: In this capacity, resources with a background in solely development frequently leave 3. The capacity to work shifts with later start and end local times. (12PM 1:30PM 9PM 10PM MT) 4. Profound desire and ability for learning how to support distributed Java/Linux applications. Although training will be offered, prior experience with Linux/Unix or Java is a bonus. 5. The capacity to handle production problems under pressure and meet deadlines. Critical job abend turnaround is anticipated to be no longer than 30 minutes during peak processing periods. 6. Experience and knowledge in supporting an incident's whole lifecycle, including identification, escalation, communications with both tech and business users, and post-incident follow-ups. Knowledge of a tool like ServiceNow is a bonus. 7. Willingness to periodically cover weekends and other off-shifts as part of a team rotation schedule. 8. The capacity to express oneself in writing and vocally to both commercial and technical individuals.

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