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Remote Travel Planner
US-FL-The Hammocks
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A Travel Planner is responsible for assisting clients in planning and handling arrangements, including flights, accommodation, transportation, tours, and other related activities. The role requires strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the travel industry to ensure clients have enjoyable and stress-free travel experiences.

Key Responsibilities:

Client Consultation: Talk to clients over the phone to understand their travel preferences, budget, and specific requirements. Discuss various travel options and offer recommendations.

Travel Itinerary Planning: Design customized travel itineraries based on clients' needs, including flights, accommodations, transportation, tours, and other activities.

Booking Arrangements: Coordinate and book travel components such as flights, hotels, rental cars, cruises, tours, and other travel-related services.

Travel Documentation: Assist clients with obtaining necessary travel documents, such as passports, visas, and travel insurance. Ensure all documents are accurate and meet requirements.

Travel Advice: Provide clients with information on travel destinations, cultural norms, weather conditions, safety, and local customs. Offer tips on how to make the most of their travel experiences.

Problem Resolution: Address and resolve any issues or changes in travel plans, such as flight cancellations or booking errors. Offer alternative solutions to ensure client satisfaction.

Budget Management: Work within clients' budgets to find the best travel options, ensuring that they get value for their money.

Customer Service: Maintain regular communication with clients throughout the planning process and during their travels to address any questions or concerns.

Industry Knowledge: Stay updated with industry trends, travel regulations, and safety guidelines. Build relationships with travel vendors and suppliers.

Sales and Marketing: Promote travel services to potential clients, either through direct communication or marketing campaigns. Generate new leads and maintain a client database.

Qualifications and Skills:

Education: High school diploma or equivalent; a bachelor's degree in a related field (such as hospitality, tourism, or business) is preferred but not required.

Experience: Previous experience in travel planning, customer service, or a related field would help.

Skills: Strong communication and interpersonal skills, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and organizational skills. Proficiency with travel booking software and computer applications.

Certifications: No certifications required - we certify you

Personal Attributes: Ability to work independently, a passion for travel, adaptability, and a customer-focused mindset.

Work Environment:

Our Travel Planners will work remotely from home. They may also attend industry events, trade shows, or familiarization trips to stay updated on travel destinations and trends, but that is not required.

Destinee Travel

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