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marketing manager-Iron and steel
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As highlighted above, a marketing manager is a person who takes care of the entire marketing lifecycle. The marketing managers job description starts from planning and executing the campaign to analysing the ROI and tracking the budget.

Depending on the size of the enterprise, there could be onemarketing managerfor the entire department or one single segment such as social media marketing, outdoor marketing, email marketing and so on.

There are a number of marketing manager responsibilities which include:

  • Strategy development and planning of campaigns that can promote the business and generate genuine traffic (both offline and online)
  • Implementation of the marketing campaigns right from ideation to final analysis and refinement
  • Creating engaging and informative content for the website, blog, social media, and any other content marketing channels that the business might leverage
  • Building sustainable relationships and partnerships with other key players such as vendors, advertising agencies, and creative artists as per the need

Further, the marketing manager would also need to be well versed with different types of organic as well as paid marketing channels such as content marketing, PPC advertising, Search Engine Optimisation, Search Engine Marketing, Outdoor Marketing, Social Media Advertising, email campaigns, lead generation initiatives, website design and landing page enhancement, copywriting, and comprehensive performance analytics of the marketing campaigns.

Among the various marketing manager roles in smaller organisations, there is also the responsibility of preparing and managing the budget, collaborating with HR in hiring marketing teams and training them etc. Depending on the type of business, the marketing managers responsibilities might also include planning and organising events and conferences etc. A marketing managers responsibilities dont end with just planning, running and managing campaigns, but the person would also need to evaluate the performance of each campaign and prepare annual reports and budgets for the next year.

Gamut HR Solutions

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