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Manager, Business Planning, Marketing Business Planning
ref code 2024-33917
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Charter Communications, Inc. in Stamford, CT seeks Manager, Business Planning, Marketing Business Planning to perform financial reporting and analysis. Requires Bachelor’s degree in Business Planning, Finance, Accounting, or a related field and 4 years of experience: working in business planning, finance, or accounting field and developing models for business forecasting, financial modeling, and business reporting packages using Excel; 3 years of experience performing variance reporting for senior management, to verify accuracy of numbers and to create high-level reports for budget decks, using one of the following or a combination of Essbase, Salesforce, or Excel; and utilizing SAP General ledger system, or other ledger tools, including JE Edwards, Oracle, or General Ledger account codes to analyze actuals verses forecasted expense; 2 years of experience developing KPI metrics and using KPI metrics for budgeting business models; and in telecommunications industry. Apply at the site listed below, ref code 2024-33917

Apply at, ref code 2024-33917
Charter Communications, Inc
Stamford, CT

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