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Hospitality Marketing Manager
US-FL-Sunrise - 33323
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Sunrise, FL-based Evelyn M. Tai seeks a Hospitality Marketing Mgr, w/ 2 yrs exp. in job offered or in business, market research or hospitality. Must hold bachelor’s degree in business, mktg or hospitality. Must have 2 yrs exp. req’d working with cross media & creation of mktg hospitality strategies, plans, budgets, & marketplace; & 1 yr exp. delivering communication materials before customers & ability to prepare & explain analysis and statistics to mgmt.; Must have exp. with int’l clientele & ability to work w/ a variety of different clients in Chinese community, effectively communicating with them in their native language, & have a solid understanding on how to sell to different markets & appeal to a multi-cultural audience. Written & oral proficiency in Mandarin language req’d. Resumes by email only to Use reference: HMM-SF

Evelyn Tai
Evelyn Tai
1300 Concord Terrace
5th Floor
Sunrise, FL 33323
Phone: 9549584246

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