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z/OS Logical Security Consultant | Remote
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Title: z/OS Logical Security Consultant
Duration: 12 Months +
Location: Remote
Job Description
  • Extensive z/OS RACF System Security knowledge (i.e. Global Security Settings, SSL and Digital Certificate, risk assessment, business continuity/DR, etc.),
  • 3 plus years with hands on zOS Logical Security support (Skill Level 3-4 on a 0-4 scale) (this does NOT include UserID Administration support).
  • Comprehensive knowledge of IBM policies: GSD331, ISeC, CSD and ITCS104 requirements to provide guidance to z/OS System Support teams, Business Controls and the customer,
  • Knowledge of generally excepted security standards: HIPPA, PCI, DISA STIGS, and NIST requirements to provide guidance to z/OS System Support teams, Business Controls and the customer,
  • In-depth knowledge of various system and sub-system products: used to evaluate and implement Software/Application security (i.e.: z/OS, CICS, DB2, IMS, MQSeries, Omegamon, JES2, CA7/OPC, CA1/RMM, etc.),
  • z/OS System and Sub-System knowledge (i.e.: JCL, SDSF, JES2/3, FTP, ) Must be able to create/update/run Jobs in support of security changes and monitoring,
  • Broad data analysis and report writing skills Tools: RACFRW, ETF/A, zSecure, VRA, JCL, SAS, etc. Coding skills: REXX, Clist, CARLa,
  • Robust Problem Determination and Problem Resolution skills understands the steps required to investigate the core issue and determine a secure resolution,
  • Experience with managing (open/close) Problem and Change tickets within the variety of IPC tools,
  • Above average Oral/Written Communication skills Is able to consult on and present security concepts to management and clients,
  • Working knowledge of MS-Word, MS-Excel, and terminal emulators (i.e.: Attachment, TN3270, Reflections )
  • Self-Starter that requires minimal oversight - Able to multitask, set priorities, and lead projects and meetings,
  • Able to provide 24/7 On-Call and after hours support for Sev1/2 problems and upgrades.


o MVS system support / programming skills and UserID Administration type skills.

NR Consulting LLC

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